Ginger Mimmo Rohlfing
Fine Artist & Art Educator
Moore Collage of Art and Design
Fine Arts and Photography 2005
Art Education 2009
Studied Abroad:Rome, Italy
Artist Statement:
Both my two dimensional and three dimensional work is inspired by forms found in nature. I’m consistently captivated by pattern, repetition, shape, shadows, movement, and color. Much of my work revolves around natural and organic forms; the shapes found in shells, leaves, trees, and flowers. Symmetry and linear arabesques are especially interesting to me. In my painting I’m always trying to capture the feeling in a fleeting moment, a pause or memory. I like to create with a palette that flows into colors not always associated with the organic forms the work is inspired by; creating a disassociation from the natural world into an imaginary one. With my non silver process photographic work the natural varying blues shine through in each cyanotype I create. I’m consistently inspired by the artwork of Henri Matisse, Alma Thomas, and Alexander Calder.
While teaching I encourage students to find their own creative inspiration from imagination and close observation; while taking risks with materials. Both in adult and children’s classes we explore creativity with a wide variety of mediums. I enjoy introducing new concepts to students and watching as they bring their visions to life. In my 14 years teaching I’ve been able to help so many students in elementary, college, and adults achieve growth and hone their skills to create works of art they are proud of. My passion is art and sharing my expertise with students is a true love in my life.
Moore College of Art and Design Gallery Show 2005, 2009
Abington Art Center Juried Exhibition 2020
Moore Magazine 2021